Take that robber! PWNED!
Nice frame by frame animation! I checked out your site, your a pretty good artist! People really need to stop this tweening stuff and at least try frame by frame technuiqe for once.
Graphics: "Hey stupid, you colored outside of the lines!" Hehe, I noticed the background colors are, thats neat. Otherwise you would have had a boring background.
Style: The Suburban Ninja looks like those little toys ninjas I had when I was a kid. Sketchy movements, but they helped with the smooth motions.
Sound: The sfx were great, however I can't say the same with the music. Some parts that were playing confused me if what I was hearing music or effects? Quality was low, but at least it helps those 56k viewers.
Violence: He was about the slit that guys throat! Instead chopped off his hand! I bet that was his useful hand *hint hint*
Humor: I laughed when I saw the George Foreman... don't know why. Also the hand on the plauqe was funny.
Overall: I love frame by frame animations, always have, always will. Tweening is all right, but those have to have redeeming qualitys for me to like them like this animation. Keep it up!