As I am writing this, my character in Braid is riding that cloud to collect that star, which is taking about 2 hrs! After that, three more stars to go! Great game, I urge you all to play it and don't use any walkthroughs.
It was inevitable, my hard drive is dying on me. Here I am working on Weirdo Fights Ep. 2, a Halloween cartoon, and my job, I click on that save button for my files, guess what... Delayed Write Failed! If your not the computer savvy type, this usually happens when you are managing or saving a files on your crappy hard drive. I did everything the internet told me to, but to no avail. My hard drive is dying. So this is gonna put me back a while till I get a new one.
Tomorrow I'm going to the Central Florida Film Fest to check out SpikeVallentine's "Snow Snow for Lucy" in Kissimmee to show him some support. Any fellow NG'ers going too? This kind of thing show's what we all are capable of doing if we just work hard, and I'm sure Spike worked extremely hard on this. I can't wait to see it!
Oh yeah, Castle Crashers rocks! I feel like playing it right now. My gamertag is Weirdo9 (what a surprise)
(lol old fan art)
i wish.